OpenSatKit core Flight System (cFS) starter kit

cFS Platform Partnership

Aitech and Embedded Flight Systems (EFSI) have announced a partnership to integrate NASA’s cFS (core Flight System) into Aitech’s modular SP0-S space CompactPCI (cPCI) SBC. The effort makes use of Aitech’s SBC and optimized SP0-S drivers along with EFSI’s Linux distribution. Together, those enable the real-time performance required in space-ba... Read more

Versions 1.5 & 1.6 Released

Release notes for Versions 1.5 (September 2018) and 1.6 (November 2018): Highlights: Added a create app page that allows a user to create a new app and integrate into the kit with 5 simple steps. Added a user app integration page that assists the user with integrating a new app into the kit. Created cFE exercises in cFE tutorial ... Read more

Version 1.2 Released

I’m pleased to announce the release of OpenSatKit (OSK) Version 1.2. The focus of this release took a turn from what was announced in November 2017. Enhanced the 42 FSW app (f42) with configuration commands and a parameter table. The 42 simulator screen launched from the main page's <42 Simulator> button has been significantly enhance... Read more

Version 1.0 Released

I’m pleased to announce the release of OpenSatKit (OSK) Version 1.0. The previous release could be considered a beta release. The focus of this release is application management. Populated the Application Management section in the kit's User's Guide. Added a Create Application tool that generates a 'Hello World' app. This tool is launched ... Read more

Installation Guide

Currently only Ubuntu is supported. Copy, paste, and run the following shell script in an Ubuntu terminal window. $ bash <(\wget -qO- Please be patient, the installation can take over 30 minutes. For more information refer to the GitHub ... Read more